Sunday, February 22, 2009

A New Molecule of Life?

Title of Article: A New Molecule of Life?
Author: Peter E. Nielsen
Source: Scientific American
Date Published: December 2008
Date Obtained: February 22 2009

A New Molecule of Life? pertains to the Molecular Genetics Unit of Study

Link to the Article:

Summary of the Article:

A New Molecule of Life? is an article surrounding PNA (peptide nucleic acid); a synthetic molecule with the potential to promote and inhibit genes, regulating the production of proteins. PNA is a nucleic acid that enters DNA's major groove to form a triple-stranded structure. This molecule can attach itself to a gene, and either prevent the RNA polymerase from transcribing the gene, or promote transcription by exposing some of the single-stranded DNA to transcription-initiating enzymes. This action can be very useful as a gene therapy in patients who are producing too much, or not enough of a certain protein. Another prospect of this mysterious molecule is the creation of artificial life. All of the organisms on earth are based on DNA and RNA, so the idea of creating life with only PNA is very intriguing to scientists. The major problem with this idea is that because the PNA is so stable, it is very difficult for it to split into two daughter strands.

In reading this article, I learned that DNA and RNA are not the only existing nucleic acids. They are the only natural ones, but many more synthetic/artificial nucleic acids have been discovered, including PNA. I think that the implementation of PNA into drugs that regulate gene expression will be a major advancement in the field of molecular genetics. This molecule has the potential to regulate the symptoms of many genetic diseases, a huge step forward in the lives of those affected by genetic diseases. The one ethical issue surrounding PNA is the use of this molecule to create artificial life. The results of such an experiment are anyone's guess, and even though an outcome is still very far in the distance, there are those who beleive humans are not supposed to be playing "God".

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